501+ Sorry Quotes For Love - Apology Quotes | Sorry Quotes For Him/ Her

sorry quotes for love When that person is gone from your life forever, then you regret your mistake,

It is said that there is no one on this earth more intelligent than the one who admits his own mistake, many times it happens that unknowingly we hurt someone's heart but we do not realize it,

If your life partner or boyfriend and girlfriend is angry with you and you want to apologize to him, then you can apologize using this post,

When a person is angry with us, what do we do to persuade him because we are afraid that he might leave us and leave us, it shows how much he means to you.

So if you want to celebrate your loved ones quickly then read our today's post sorry quotes for love, friends, gf, bf in which we are sharing with you, if someone is angry with you then you can read these sorry quotes for love, sorry quotes, You can celebrate them by using im sorry quotes, sorry quotes for him, sorry quotes for her. In this post, we have brought you selected sorry quotes of different categories like-

1. Best Sorry Quotes For Love - Apology Quotes For Love

2. Sorry Quotes For Love For Him (BOYFRIEND OR HUSBAND) - Apology Quotes For Him

3. TOP Im Sorry Quotes - Apology Quotes

4. Sorry Quotes For Friends - Apology Quotes to Friends

5. Romantic Sorry Quotes For Your Love - Apology Quotes Romantic

6. I Am Sorry Quotes For Hurting You - Apology Quotes

Best Sorry Quotes For Love - Apology Quotes For Love
Sorry Quotes For Love For Him (BOYFRIEND OR HUSBAND) - Apology Quotes For Him

Best Sorry Quotes For Love - Apology Quotes For Love

Being sorry is the first step to repentance, and repentance is the first step to being a better person. Please give me the chance to prove that I can be a better husband. I am sorry.

I made a mistake because I am only human. But I want my love to feel like home to you.

My biggest mistake was that all this while I was letting my ego come in the way of a heartfelt apology. I am sorry baby.

If losing you is my punishment for the things I did wrong, I would rather die than see that.

Please accept this big, heartfelt sorry wrapped in kisses and hugs and sealed with a few tears for the hurt I caused you, my sweet honey. Sorry Quotes For Friends - Apology Quotes to Friends

I miss your beautiful face hovering over mine and coming in for that special goodnight kiss. Please let me make everything up to you dear.

You are the main source of vitality in this life. I forgot how alive I feel when I am with you. Please come back into my arms.

My dear wife, Please accept my apology and give me a chance to nurture our relationship, once again.

My selfishness has rocked the boat in our little stream, and I’m hoping that my apology will bring smooth sailing and sunny skies back to our marriage.

You have kissed away my tears many times, and if you let me, I would like to do that for you. I’m so sorry for the way I hurt you, my beloved wife.

My dearest wife, when pride gets in the way, it can be hard to move, and I apologize for letting it take control of me. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart.

Sometimes the best way to say “I’m sorry” doesn’t involve words.

My heart has been leaking and bleeding since the day I hurt you. Please plug the holes with your forgiveness. I am sorry.

I have learned that sometimes SORRY is not enough. You actually have to change yourself.

I just want to tell you that I did not really know what happened to me, I’m sorry, my love.

Fools say sorry wise men will prove they are sorry.

Regret, heartbreak, and sadness have stolen my life’s happiness. I am sorry for letting you down, but I promise to erase your frowns.

Apologizing does not always mean that you’re wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.

I’m sorry for being so annoying and demanding, for the things that I did the wrong way.

I’m sorry I can’t be the perfect girl you want me to, but all I can really do is try.

May this apology be like a soft blanket for you, my honey. Wrap yourself in its warmth and feel the softness of my heart as I make things right with you. I’m sorry. TOP Im Sorry Quotes - Apology Quotes

I feel sorry for making you mad, and I don’t want you to feel bad because of some foolish things I’ve said.

I am sorry – if you accept my apology we can move on from being angry and get on to being naughty.

Our fight was terrible. It hurts me and I know it hurts you too. Honestly, I have no idea how to heal your heart but let me begin by saying I am sorry and please show me the way.

The years we have been married have been the most wonderful of my life. I am still in love with you and I want to apologize for the rude things I said.

I never want to lose sight of what’s truly important – and that’s you! I am so sorry and I promise never to let you down.

Take your time and get the anger off your chest, I will wait for as long as you need. You are my wife and I am sorry for hurting you so deeply.

I am sorry for making you wait. I am sorry for everything I said. I am sorry for leaving you alone and being so selfish. Please think of me as someone who will be forever in the debt of your kind heart.

Admitting that I was wrong is still hard for me, and I’m still learning. But it’s a journey, and I’m doing my best to be a better person for you. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. 

I love you more than anything in the world. The thought of me hurting you makes me feel so angry at myself. I will do anything to make it up to you. Please don’t be mad, I’m trying my best. 

I can’t believe you still want to be with someone as crazy as I am. It takes a lot to be as patient as you are, and I appreciate it very much. I’m sorry for making you feel this way. I love you. 

People need fights to find compromises. I know I can be too harsh and overreact from time to time, and I’m really sorry for my behavior. I never mean to hurt you. I love you more than words can say. Sorry Quotes For Love For Him (BOYFRIEND OR HUSBAND) - Apology Quotes For Him

I hate myself for doing it to you. Sometimes I just can’t control myself, and I hurt people I love without even knowing it. I’m working on that problem. I will do anything to protect you from my destructive behavior. 

I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, I hurt people. But when I say sorry, I mean it.

Smart people always say sorry, while the stupid ones just wait for the smart one to say sorry.

By asking forgiveness your not going to become bigger or smaller in value but the person who forgives you has a very big heart.

Give me a chance to show you that I can be of something worth to you, let me show you.

If you wanna love someone, then make sure ur never gonna have to say “sorry.

I trust fate and I believe in love, which is why I know you’ll accept my apology. I’m sorry.

I want you back. I’m sorry. I should have never let you go. Am I too late?

I am so sorry I allowed this anger to conquer my inner peace. I didn’t mean to hurt you, baby. I’m working on myself, and my inner frustration will not bother you anymore. Will you forgive me? 

I’m sorry I can’t stop crying, I just can’t believe that I could hurt you like that. You are my favourite human being in the world, and I want you to be the happiest man alive. I hope that you can forgive me. Best Sorry Quotes For Love - Apology Quotes For Love

Is it too late to say that I’m sorry? I hope it’s not, because my heart will break into million little pieces if you don’t want me anymore. I’ve made a huge mistake, and I will do anything to make it up to you. 

Now I understand that I treated you badly. It took some time for me to realize that, but it’s never too late to say I’m sorry, right? I want to stay in your heart, baby. Give me just one more chance. 

Our love has grown through years of arguments and misunderstandings. I’m sorry for being unkind to you, baby. You didn’t do anything wrong; I’ve just been feeling weird lately. I love you, please forgive me. 

A simple apology could fix a friendship that shouldn’t have ended in the first place. Don’t let your ego stop you from doing what’s right.

Sorry Quotes For Love For Him (BOYFRIEND OR HUSBAND) - Apology Quotes For Him

I was slightly drunk when I said those words that weren’t supposed to even happen in the first place, please don’t judge me. Please forgive me the love of my life.

I seriously hate it when we fight. I hate it, even more, when I realize that it was all my fault. I am sorry. I love you so much. Please forgive me. 

You truly are one of the most wonderful people I have met in my life. And I want you to continue being that and not allow something minute as this get in the way between us. I love you, and I’m sorry.

I guess saying sorry is not enough. But give me a chance and I’ll prove it to you. Please forgive me, honey. Pretty please.

My love for you is so strong, I cannot allow for something of such minor importance to have such a great impact on our relationship. I beg you to forgive me, I love you. 

I have done many stupid things in my life, but breaking your heart truly is the pinnacle of my stupidity. Please come back to me. I love you. 

I’m sorry if what I said made you angry. I wasn’t thinking straight because my love for you is intoxicating. 

You have no idea what I would give right now to have you hold me in your arms like you did before all of this happens. My life truly feels empty without you in it. I am really sorry for everything and I wish that you can forgive me so we start over. I love you. 

When we first got together, we promised each other that we will let nothing get in the way of our love. Yet, the things I’ve done have made you so sad you chose to break that promise. I want you to know how terribly sorry I am and that I wish for you to forgive me and accept me back into your loving arms. 

So sorry I yelled at you. My jealous heart took hold of me. I later realized it was the stranger, not you, who flirted. I Am Sorry Quotes For Hurting You - Apology Quotes

Whether I’m right or wrong, I’m sorry. Our love is too precious to let a quarrel to keep us apart. 

Ever since we started dating you have done everything I asked you to. As one last favor, please forgive me so that I can start doing everything that you want me to. I am sorry.

I am extremely sorry. I know that I have hurt you so much. I am feeling so ashamed of myself. I wish that one day you can forgive me.

Don’t forgive me just because I’m saying sorry. Forgive me because I love you and don’t want to waste a single moment of our time together fighting. Truly yours, now and forever.

A lot have been said in a heat of the moment but I want you to remember that it all comes from a good place. We argue because we care and worry about each other, it should be an opportunity for us to grow and not tear us apart.

Darling, I cannot promise that there will be no more fights, but I can promise that I will try to be a better person for you every day. I’m so sorry.

I seriously hate it when we fight. I hate it, even more, when I realize that it was all my fault. I am sorry. I love you so much. Please forgive me.

I am extremely sorry. I know that I have hurt you so much. I am feeling so ashamed of myself. I wish that one day you can forgive me.

I am sorry from the core of my heart for hurting you this badly. Please forgive me. I love you.

I did not mean any of the harsh words I said earlier. I am sorry for being immature. Please forgive me.

I cry myself to sleep these days because I am on the verge of losing you to something I never intended. We have been apart for so long and the gap is really eating me up. I want you to stop being so hard and see that all these problems culminated not because I only wanted things to go my way but I want our relationship to go far. I guess I went too far.

Honey, I know I hurt you and nothing can be said or done to change that. I can’t even forgive myself so how could you? If you are ready to talk, I will be there to listen and willing to work on myself.

I’ve crossed the line, I fully admit that. You deserve so much better than this, and I promise to work on myself as long as it takes to make you happy. I really do care for you and I want this relationship to last. 

If I could wish for one thing, it would be for the ability to turn back time, so I can start over, and not do all the dumb mistakes I’ve done over the lifespan of our relationship. I am terribly sorry for making you sad. Please forgive me, I love you. Romantic Sorry Quotes For Your Love - Apology Quotes Romantic

Even the fact that I could have a man like you fall in love with me, shows me that there is still hope for this world. A hope that was lost the moment you decided to stop talking to me after all of the things I’ve put you through. And you have no idea how much I’ve repented for everything. I just want you to forgive me. I love you. 

“Sorry” is not enough to make you feel better and I know that. I’m asking for forgiveness, but I also promise to pay more attention to what I say and what I do, because I don’t want to hurt you anymore. 

Do you believe in second chances? I hope you do, because I don’t want to lose you because of this stupid thing I’ve done. I’ve learned my lesson, and it will never happen again. I love you, please forgive me.

I am sorry from the core of my heart for hurting you this badly. Please forgive me. I love you.

I did not mean any of the harsh words I said earlier. I am sorry for being immature. Please forgive me.

Sorry Quotes For Love For Her (GIRLFRIEND OR WIFE) - Apology Quotes for Her

You know that I’m not the smartest guy on Earth, especially when it comes to understanding someone’s feelings. I just realized that what I did was stupid and not okay. I’m so sorry, babe. 

I am sorry from the core of my heart for hurting you this bad. Please forgive me. I love you.

After all the harm I’ve caused, I’m here to tell you I regret and I’m genuinely sorry, my love.

I promise you that I will be a better person from now on and I will never hurt you again. I am sorry.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m so afraid of losing you. This fear is making me act crazy from time to time, but I’m working on myself. I’m sorry for hurting your feelings, love. 

I’ll keep trying no matter how many times you refuse to forgive me. You deserve so much love.

I’ve hurt the person who’s been the epitome of my happiness. If she forgives me this time, I promise to be her comfort and happiness at any cost.

You’ve given me so many second chances, it’s embarrassing to admit. I’m trying to be more empathetic and I’m getting better at it, but I need some time to get to your level. All I can do is hope that you will understand and forgive me. Sorry Quotes For Friends - Apology Quotes to Friends

How could I be so foolish and insensitive? The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but this stupid inability to control my anger messes with my head every single time. I’m trying my best, I promise. Forgive me. 

I have never thought that I’m capable of such a thing. It hurts me to know that I made you feel bad. You deserve so much better than this. I’ll do anything to be a better person for you. Forgive me. 

I know I create unnecessary arguments between us. I promise you I will not do it again. I am sorry.

I’m truly sorry for hurting you.

My heart is only for you, please forgive me.

Please, forgive me, I can’t stop loving you. You are my perfect girl. I’ll love you forever and always.

I love you like crazy. Sometimes I get really jealous, and I understand that it’s not your problem. It’s about me, and I need to fix myself before I ruin this relationship. I’m trying, I love you, and I’m sorry. 

I know not what I do. The anger just blinds me, and I lose control. I’m not making excuses, but I want you to understand that I never mean to hurt you, and it’s all my fault. Please forgive me.

I was wrong and behaved like a fool! I’m so sorry.

I apologize for bringing tears to your eyes but I have not done it intentionally. Please forgive me.

My most important goal in life is to make you happy. All I want is to make you feel safe and loved. Sometimes my stupid mistakes prevent me from doing that, but I’m trying really hard for you, baby. I’m so sorry. TOP Im Sorry Quotes - Apology Quotes

Fights are important. We’re learning to compromise, overcoming difficulties and growing together spiritually. But it doesn’t mean that it’s okay to hurt each other. I’m really sorry for my behaviour, baby.

Angry is ugly, forgiveness is sexiness. Forgive me, please?

Dear, l never want to see you suffer. I’m so sorry, I love you.

Sorry for acting like an idiot; I did not mean to be like that. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and let me love you again.

I promise you that I will put more effort into our relationship so that it goes a long way. I am sorry, please stay with me. I love you.

I will make up for all the days I ruined. Please forgive me. I am sorry.

We both know that I have a temper. I’m not trying to justify myself, sometimes I just cannot control what I say. I promise that I will work on that, and I promise to never go back on that promise. I’m really sorry. 

I don’t think that I deserve your forgiveness, but I will hate myself if don’t try at least. I know I messed up big time, but I love you more than anything in the world and I can’t imagine my life without you. I promise to make it up to you. Sorry Quotes For Love For Him (BOYFRIEND OR HUSBAND) - Apology Quotes For Him

When I’m with you, I’m trying so hard not to screw things up. Apparently, sometime I think too much and it makes everything worse. You are perfect. I just want to be the best version of myself for you. I’m so sorry, baby. 

Sweetheart, all I want is to be with you for the rest of my life. I’m sorry, I love you.

How much do I love you? So much! I’m so sorry for what I said. Please forgive me.

It is said that we offend people we are afraid to lose the most. Forgive me, my love.

I am sorry that I’ve let you down, give me the chance to change your mind about me.

Look at the stars tonight, they’ll whisper: “I am sorry for what I’ve done”. I love you.

I feel horrible for hurting you, I’m truly sorry. I will work as I can to not do that again.

Just the thought of hurting you makes me feel sick. I can’t believe I made you feel this way. I’m incredibly sorry for this, and I will do anything to fix things. I love you more than the life itself. 

People don’t appreciate what they have until they’ve lost it. I can relate to that. I can’t stop thinking about how foolish I was, and I can’t believe that my childishness resulted in losing the best thing I’ve ever had. I’m so sorry. Please come back.  Best Sorry Quotes For Love - Apology Quotes For Love

You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known. Your ability to set boundaries and stand up for yourself helped me to realise that I was wrong. I took a moment to reflect on myself, and I fully admit that what I did was not okay. I hope you can forgive me. 

Sweetie, even when you’re angry, you’re incredibly beautiful! I love you, please forgive me.

Dear, don’t be offended! The world is beautiful, let’s forget all grudges and love each other.

I said “I love you” and I meant it. But I hurt you, now “I’m sorry” and I mean it. I’m so sorry.

When I lost you, I realized that only with you, I felt alive. I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you.

My princess, I’m willing to wait forever for your forgiveness! You’re the one in my heart. Kisses.

TOP Im Sorry Quotes - Apology Quotes

I overlooked your happiness in an attempt to make myself happy only to realize that my happiness lies in yours. I am sorry please forgive me

 How do I say the words, ‘I’m sorry’ when I know that words are not enough? And how can I ask you to forgive me when I know I can’t forgive myself

Please forgive me because you are so kind

I m going home now I apologize for what I said I hope U can forget it but I’m going home right now

Sorry doesn t prove anything unless you mean it.

I feel bad for making you sad. I feel guilty for making you question my intentions. I am sorry, baby, please forgive me.

Honey, give me the chance to make it up to you. I know where I got it wrong, and I am determined to do better next time. Please give me the chance to show you my efforts to become a better man. I Am Sorry Quotes For Hurting You - Apology Quotes

It is impossible to change the past, but you have my promise to make it up to you in the future. I am truly sorry.

I know I am not perfect and I make mistakes, but I am so glad that I have you to pick me up when I fall down and help me grow into the best person that I can be.

No matter what happens, you will always remain my biggest priority. Will you forgive me for what I have done?

I have known you for a long time, and I know your heart is bigger and deeper than any ocean. Will you forgive me? Your love feels like home to me. I want to come back home.

Your beautiful smile has been hiding lately, and I know I am the reason. I am sorry for taking you for granted. You are an amazing partner, and I love you.

I have never met a person kinder than you. I know it may be hard, but could you please forgive me one last time?

My sweet angel, how could I have been so thoughtless? It breaks my heart to see the emptiness in your eyes. Please forgive me and give me the chance to bring back their sparkle.

When we’re not right, nothing is right. Please let me make it up to you by forgiving me, my beautiful partner.

Please forgive me for not living up to the vows I made to you on our wedding day. I promise to give you my all.

If I begin to tell you how terrible I feel, my message will run into pages. To cut a long story short, I am really sorry, my dearest partner.

We are two headstrong people with our own minds, which tells me that we can work this out if we try. Please forgive me, my dearest partner. Romantic Sorry Quotes For Your Love - Apology Quotes Romantic


I am sorry Mom for not wanting to hear your warnings I thought I was doing well and now I realize I was wrong. 

please dont stop talking to me i really care for you i am sorry for what i did

I  am sorry if i hurt you but i want you to know this I love you

My heart has been leaking and bleeding since the day I hurt you Please plug the holes with your forgiveness I am sorry

I just want to tell you that I did not really know what happened to me I m sorry my love

I m sorry for being so annoying and demanding for the things that I did the wrong way

I am sorry if you accept my apology we can move on from being angry and get on to being naughty  

In some families please is described as the magic word In our house however it was sorry

I am sorry for hurting you so deeply, sweet partner. I want to be your hero again. Can you forgive me?

I know I have let you down, and now I have emptiness and guilt in my heart. Can you fill the void with your forgiveness, my dear?

For all the pains and headaches I have caused you, I intend to give you twice the joy and peace. Just let go of the past.

Sometimes the best way to say I m sorry doesn t involve words

My loving sister you have always been by my side and supported me But this time I have let you down and hurt you I am really sorry. Sorry Quotes For Friends - Apology Quotes to Friends

Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth But its the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called relationship

I am so sorry for what I have done for saying those things that hurt you the most i didnt mean to hurt you please stay i love you so much

Im so sorry for hurting your feelings i take back my words hope youll forgive me

sorry quotes for love - Never make a defense or an apology until you are accused

I took for granted all our smiles laughs and memories I promise Ill never do it again because they mean the world to me. I am sorry

My heart has been leaking and bleeding since the day I hurt you Please plug the holes with your forgiveness. I am sorry


I Am Sorry Quotes For Hurting You - Apology Quotes

If I said I m sorry even though I don t know why I m saying it will it reduce my time in the corner

I overlooked your happiness in an attempt to make myself happy  only to realize that my happiness lies in yours I am sorry please forgive me

Nothing wrong with apologizing but saying Im sorry does nothing when you continue to make the same mistakes. TOP Im Sorry Quotes - Apology Quotes

Never apologize for showing your feelings When you do you are apologizing for the truth

I m sorry youre angry is NOT an apology

I m not very good at saying sorry but I apologize

I don like it and Im sorry I ever had anything to do with it

I know we fought last night I am sorry and still love you

I am so sorry for what I have done for saying those things that hurt you the most i didnt mean to hurt you please stay i love you so much

EGO three letters that Hold You Back from saying things your heart is dying to say like i love you i miss you and i am sorry  

Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth But its the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called relationship

Forgiveness does not change the past but it does enlarge the future

Be the hero of hearts learn to say Im sorry

I am sorry for the pain I caused you I feel so bad

I am Sorry for the pain I caused you I feel so bad

I m Sorry  doesn t automatically fix everything Apologies can t fix a broken heart

Love means never having to say you’re sorry.

I am sorry for felling sorry

I wishes I could be what you want  but I can t and Im sorry

Love forgives and keeps no records of wrongs. Sorry Quotes For Love For Him (BOYFRIEND OR HUSBAND) - Apology Quotes For Him

Never make a defense or an apology until you are accused

My heart is trapped in regret and only your love and compassion can set it free. I love you, and I am sorry, my sweetheart.

I am sorry, dear, for telling you what to do. It is just that it is my job to protect you, and I will do that with my whole being. But, I must learn how to do it in a way that honors you at the same time. Please show me how.

Give me a chance to show that you are my life’s most precious treasure. I love you, and I am sorry.

Hey, partner, you have always been the mature one between us two. I hope you will forgive me so I can have the chance to continue learning from you.

Let’s get over the past together and set up a new lease of faith and love. I am sorry, and I know we will win.

Every time I see you hurt, my heart breaks. Please forgive me so I can become a happy man again.

I know I was wrong for claiming that I was right. I promise to always give your view due importance. Please accept my apology.

Every time I remember that I hurt you, I feel guilt hanging all over me. I am now a captive of my deeds, and you have the keys to my prison door. Please forgive me. Best Sorry Quotes For Love - Apology Quotes For Love

I am truly penitent, dear. Let me suffer the guilt of my wrongs by working hard to pave a new path and prove myself to you once again. 

My heart beats only for you please be merciful and forgive me I love you

Take your time Dont worry I ll wait forever if that is what itll take for you to forgive me I love you

Forgiveness is not an occasional act it is a constant attitude

Everything is my fault I ll take all the blame

I m going home now I apologize for what I said I hope U can forget it but I’m going home right now

In some families please is described as the magic word In our house however it was sorry

I  am sorry if i hurt you but i want you to know this I love you

please dont stop talking to me i really care for you i am sorry for what i did

You look in my eyes and Im screaming inside that Im sorry

Sorry for hurting you like this but believe me without you my life is dull I cannot afford to lose you over something so stupid Please forgive me

Love forgives and keeps no records of wrongs

I trust fate and I believe in love which is why I know you ll accept my apology

Yours is the most beautiful and compassionate soul I know. I yearn for your compassion. And there is nothing more beautiful than your love, my sweetheart.

We can only become better when we learn from our mistakes and faults. I hope you will allow me to be a better husband by giving me that chance to amend things.

I am sorry, for I am a broken pot. Let the beautiful hands of my dearest partner put me back together.

I haven’t slept well, I haven’t eaten properly, and I haven’t shaved. You bring life to my world.

Your sweet smile is the light at the end of all my life’s dark tunnels. I am sorry, my sunshine.

Dear love! My life is beautiful because of you. All I ask is for a chance to prove myself so that my life becomes vibrant, once again. I Am Sorry Quotes For Hurting You - Apology Quotes

I am sorry for letting ridiculous things come between us. You are my better half, and I promise to improve if you will give me one more chance.

My heart is bare before you, my partner, and I know you can see my pain. I was foolish to hurt you, and I promise never to do it again.

Our friendship s value is such  that without it my life s value would be worthless Im sorry

Never apologize mister it s a sign of weakness

Sorry I did t get your message because I deleted it without listening

You re not sorry for anything But I am I guess thats what makes us two VERY different people

I am sorry for hurting your feeling I take back my words I will hope you forgive me

I m going home now I apologize for what I said I hope U can forget it but Im going home right now

I wish I would have acted as per desire but it was not happened like this so I am sorry and regret

Sorry The person you love the most deserves second change too If you love me or over loved then for sake of what love i ask you for an apology

I am sorry for being jealous Its just that Im afraid of losing the best thing to have ever happened to me

Im truly sorry for my words and actions

I am sorry I know i was wrong I hope you can forgive me Lets give our love another chance and I will be the right guy for you

Im so sorry for hurting your feelings i take back my words hope youll forgive me

 Romantic Sorry Quotes For Your Love - Apology Quotes Romantic

Let’s enjoy life together again. It’s too short to be angry for long.

In case you’re looking for me, I went too far. And I apologize wholeheartedly.

I’m so sorry that I hurt you. I’m sending you this apology message in a card to let you know that I love everything about you, for always, every single day.

I want nothing more than for you to forgive me so that I can whisper in your ear how much I love you. Romantic Sorry Quotes For Your Love - Apology Quotes Romantic

My heart has been leaking and bleeding since the day I hurt you Please plug the holes with your forgiveness. I am sorry

My heart has been leaking and bleeding since the day I hurt you Please plug the holes with your forgiveness I am sorry

I just want to tell you that I did not really know what happened to me I m sorry my love

I wanted to apologize for ghosting you after our great dates. That was immature and not nice of me. I hope you’re doing okay.

The perfect couple love, laugh, fight and trust. I broke your trust, so please let’s love, laugh and if it has to be then fight, to build the trust again.

Sorry for not being able to talk about how I feel. Next time I’ll talk to you openly. Please accept my apology.

I am sorry Mom for not wanting to hear your warnings I thought I was doing well and now I realize I was wrong

please dont stop talking to me i really care for you i am sorry for what i did

I  am sorry if i hurt you but i want you to know this I love you

In some families please is described as the magic word In our house however it was sorry

I overlooked your happiness in an attempt to make myself happy only to realize that my happiness lies in yours. I am sorry please forgive me

How do I say the words, ‘I’m sorry’ when I know that words are not enough? And how can I ask you to forgive me when I know I can’t forgive myself

Please forgive me because you are so kind

I m going home now I apologize for what I said I hope U can forget it but I’m going home right now

Sorry doesn t prove anything unless you mean it

I miss your sweet voice, your hug, and your smile. Sorry for hurting you. 

 I can do anything just to see you smile. Please smile at me to make everything all right again. 

We promise we will stay together forever. Sorry for being aloof. 

Sweetheart, I am sorry for my actions. Please forgive me this time. Won’t happen again.

Sometimes the best way to say I m sorry doesn t involve words

My loving sister you have always been by my side and supported me But this time I have let you down and hurt you I am really sorry. Sorry Quotes For Friends - Apology Quotes to Friends

Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth But its the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called relationship

You deserve someone better. Please excuse my immature handling of this situation. I thought it would be easier to do it this way, but it’s just inhuman.

Sorry that I stopped responding to your calls and messages. That was very rude of me. I wish you the best for the future.

I’m sorry if I’m acting weirdly. I’m in love for the first time.

Sorry. How I behaved was unfair.I’m truly asking for your forgiveness and I hope you believe me.

Assuming you accept this I’m sorry card and my apology itself, can I hug you again?

I am so sorry for what I have done for saying those things that hurt you the most i didnt mean to hurt you please stay i love you so much

Our smooth married life hit a bump with my words. Please forgive me for continuing our beautiful journey. TOP Im Sorry Quotes - Apology Quotes

I vow to be your best friend forever and never argue again. Sorry. 

You are the light of my life. And today, I dimmed that light with my words. Please forgive me. 

I made a grave mistake. Sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me, darling.

I took for granted all our smiles laughs and memories I promise Ill never do it again because they mean the world to me. I am sorry

Im so sorry for hurting your feelings i take back my words hope youll forgive me

Never make a defense or an apology until you are accused

My mistakes have always taught me great lessons. The latest one is that I am lucky to have you as my husband. I am sorry to fight with you. 

Sorry for being rude and hurting you with my words. I promise not to repeat it, ever. 

The only thing I want from you is forgiveness. I am sorry for being insensitive. Forgive me, sweetheart. 

 I did a horrible thing to you. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. Please forgive me. 

 I can go to any extent to make it up to you. Please forgive me. 

Sorry Quotes For Friends - Apology Quotes to Friends

As my best friend, I know you have the right to demand an apology. As your best friend, I hope you know I have the right to demand forgiveness. I am sorry.

As one of life’s delightful treats, friendship is best served innocent. Thanks for keeping it that way and sorry for being a jerk.

I am asking you if we are alright again, because for me, everything is better with you.

I am sorry I haven’t been in touch since quite a while but I have been really busy. But I seek comfort in the fact that our friendship is so beautiful that even if we speak after many months, it will be just like we spoke yesterday.

I am extremely sorry for my behavior. I wish I were more careful with my words. I love you, my friend. Please accept my apology for this time.

Your smile takes my breath away, and your tears kill me in a thousand ways. I’m drowning in guilt and sadness for hurting you. Please, save me with your forgiveness.

I’ve always been hopeless. It’s you who teaches me to hope for the best. I hope you will forgive me for all of my mischiefs and wrongdoings. I’m so sorry.

If I have hurt you with my words or behavior, I am really sorry from the depth of my heart. Can’t stay apart from you. I really am sorry.

I regret doing such a terrible thing to you, dear best friend. Your forgiveness will make my life better, I swear. Please accept my apology, I love you so much.

I wish I could take back all the hurtful things I have said and make everything just like it used to be. Please forgive me, dear.

You own a very special place in my heart and I don’t want to lose you. I am really sorry.

I feel really bad for saying such hurtful words to you but you should know that you are the only one that matters to me, friends. Extremely sorry for my behavior. Sorry Quotes For Love For Him (BOYFRIEND OR HUSBAND) - Apology Quotes For Him

Dear friend, I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. That wasn’t my intention. Please, forgive me for being so rude. 

I just want you to know that I didn’t do it intentionally and it just happened accidentally. I regret that it ended up like this. I am really very sorry.

I Am Sorry is all I am going to say. The rest, I will let the silence convey.

You don’t have to forget everything straight away, but I’m asking you to forgive me. I don’t know what got into me and I am ashamed of what I did.

All I want you to remember is that I love you and you are a part of my destiny. Please disregard my mood swings that are quirky. Please give me a hug when I seem grumpy. Please tell me everything will be alright when I am feeling gloomy. Please don’t ever take my annoying rants seriously. If I have said anything that has hurt you, I am sorry. 

We may not have spoken since a long time. But nothing can steal the memories away from you and me. I miss you, my friend. Life tore us apart, but no matter where I am or what I’m doing, there is always a place in my heart, just for you.

Sometimes I take you for granted, but I promise it’s only because I feel that you are the only one in the whole world who will understand me for who I am. I’m sorry.

Life has its own way of making you realize the value of friendship… and the worst part is that it’s always in hindsight. I miss you my friend, I’m sorry for not keeping in touch.

I have made many mistakes in life, but none of them came back to haunt me with such strength. I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you. Please forgive me.

I know my words and actions made you feel blue. Pardon me for letting you down, friend.

What I did was wrong. Forgive me, and I’ll try to fix everything I’ve ruined. Our friendship is worth a second chance.

It’s not easy to apologize. I hope you see my apology comes from the heart. And I hope you put our friendship above my mistake.

George Bernard Shaw said: Friends are the universe’s excuse for relatives. I say, “This card is the excuse to my universe. Please forgive me.

BEST friends tolerate the WORST in you. Thanks for being one, I’m sorry.

Tough times teach you some of life’s most important lessons, most importantly that a real friend will stick by your side through it all. Thanks for being one, I’m sorry if you had to bear the brunt of my mood swings. Best Sorry Quotes For Love - Apology Quotes For Love

I screwed up a lot and you’re usually the first one I discuss stuff like this with. Please accept my apology, then we can talk about it together. 

Our friendship’s value is such, that without it my life’s value would be worthless. I’m sorry.

I know you will eventually forget the ungrateful things that I said. But I will never forget how nice you were to me, even after I was so rude to you. Thanks for being a real friend, I am sorry.

I feel ashamed that I broke your trust. I know, what I have done is unjust. But I promise, I’ll never let our friendship rust. I’m sorry.

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